
"Co-enrolment of hearing, deaf and hard of hearing pupils in mainstream school", Meurant L. et Ghesquière M.

L'EUD (l’union européenne des sourds) a publié en 2017 un volume sur les exemples existant en Europe. Les classes bilingues de Namur sont décrites dans cet ouvrage en anglais. 

"This fourth book in the series addresses Article 24. Education is explored from various angles, including the importance of and legal foundations for bilingual education for deaf learners in Europe, interpreter use in inclusive education, the need for early sign language access, and the accessibility of teacher training. It also presents good practice examples, highlighting the diversity of settings in Europe that provide accessible bilingual quality education.

Professionals from various disciplines have contributed to this volume. Their backgrounds span from academia and NGO work to education provision and sign language interpretation. They explore how learning environments must be designed to be accessible for deaf learners, especially sign language users, to maximise their academic and social development, as enshrined in Article 24. Thus, this book aims to support its implementation for deaf learners in the best way possible."

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